Monday, November 29, 2010

Wikileaks Iraq/Afghan War Diaries & State Dept. Cables

Where do these cables come from? WHO is leaking them?

Cynical and jaded as I have become in my doddering old age, my first thought goes to "Who is the last infamous person to leak classified information?"

The answer to that, I believe, is Dick Cheney when he outed Valerie Plame as retaliation against her husband Joe Miller's statements regarding the falsehood of Iraq's gathering of plutonium.

Oh, I know, Cheney has never been outed as the source of the leak, but anyone with critical thinking skills knows that the guy who answered for that treasonous crime, which by Constitutional law is punishable by death, didn't get there on his own.

The fact that he got a mere slap on the wrist for a crime punishable by death speaks to the fact that he agreed to take the fall for someone much higher up than himself.

That fact, which any reasonable person with functioning analytic skills can deduce (particularly in light of these new documents!) that much goes on in government than the average person will ever, ever know - or hear about. (It helps, of course, that the national big media outlets are now owned by a handful of conservatives who make huge contributions to the GOP).

Then I connect the dots further by remembering that Dick Cheney and George Herbert Walker Bush worked together for years. They're very buddy buddy - in fact, it was W's father who suggested Cheney as his son's running mate.

Then, connecting further, I remember that George Herbert Walker Bush once directed the CIA.

George W. Bush was, at the time of Valerie Plame's outing, then President of the United States.

It is not lost on me that George H.W. Bush not only had privileged knowledge as a former CIA director, but also as a former President.

So, given that I believe it to be a very logical conclusion that the leak regarding Valerie Plame came from Dick Cheney himself, and at his directive, I have to wonder if some of these current leaks aren't also coming from Dick Cheney.

After being very outspoken about Obama's job performance for the first couple of years, he has long been silent.

When people like Dick Cheney are silent, it means they're up to something.

Given Cheney's access to both CIA and top governmental information; and given that the facts suggest that it is a quite logical conclusion that Cheney has done this before - I think it therefore equally logical that Cheney is involved in these leaks, as well.

Cheney has shown that he cares more about his own revenge and showing people how much power he has (which makes him a very dangerous man, indeed - he very well could be a sociopath).

It's quite logical that he's behind these leaks, yes.

His motive would of course be to denigrate President Obama by showing the country that Obama is far too weak on national defense and national security.

I think that is what the leaking of the Iraq War Diaries was about, and I think that's what the leaking of these State Department cables are about, as well.

The only difference is that Cheney takes out two for the price of one, in that in this instance, he exposes Hillary Clinton as somehow culpable, as well, since she is Secretary of State.

If Hillary was thinking of running in 2012 - and I think she should run as Obama's VP because it sets her up for a Presidential run in 2016 - this leak is meant to imply that she wouldn't be tough enough on foreign policy or national security, either.

Dick Cheney is a traitor. I believe that from the bottom of my heart.

Any American citizen who would out a CIA agent, leak national security documents, and leak documents of a diplomatic nature is doing so out of a desire to hurt the present administration - the President and Secretary of State, in particular.

Now you have to ask - WHO HAS A MOTIVE TO DO THIS?



Using critical thinking skills to connect the dots, analyze the information, and come to a logical conclusion, I deduce that Dick Cheney, with accomplices, of course, is the most likely individual that has the motive, the power, and access to the highest intelligence documents in the land in order to do so.

If someone can think of a better positioned person who is capable of having this access and power, then please tell me who that would be and I'll consider him/her.

I believe Dick Cheney is behind both of these leaks. He might not have done the physical work - I think he's the type who has private conversations with people who can make these things happen - but I believe that he orchestrated it and made it happen.

He just has others do his dirty work and promises to make sure they get out of it if they do get caught. He can say that because he knows he has the power to do it.

Like I said, a very dangerous man.

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