Saturday, January 08, 2005

Musings on the Impending Coronation of the King and his Beastly Buddies

The King's coronation is less than two weeks away, and I find myself wishing I could attend. I have the irrepressible impulse to throw eggs and yell epithets like "traitor", "antiChrist", and "murderer". It's probably just as well that I won't be there, because I would most likely be arrested and thrown in some rotten prison cell, labeled a terrorist, for the rest of my miserable life. I would be tortured, I'm sure, and I'd never see my family again. And the terribly sad fact about this Walter Mittyish construction is that these things really do happen in the Land of Fraud.

Right in the heart of America today there are prisons where "terrorists" languish because they disagreed with the beasts who are the real threat to this country and to democracy. And they will very likely die in prison, bereft of family contact and legal representation, all because of an administration run amok with individuals who could care less about freedom and democracy. They live instead for greed and power and God help anyone who gets in their way. Although they spout platitudes about moral values and religious ideals, it's all propaganda to them. Just a way to con mainstream America into thinking they right.

Hitler did the same thing. Remember what Hermann Goering said, " is the leaders of a country who determine the policy...the people can always be brought to do the bidding of the leaders...tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger...."

I am convinced that we did not have an election. Notice I did not say "fair" election, but just plain old "election". An election is where people vote, and their vote is counted. Again, in 2004, people were disenfranchised, more boldly than in 2000, and more votes than voters were counted toward the King in some precincts.... What possible objection could these radicals have to a voting system with a verifiable paper trail? There is no honest objection. The only plausible objection is that without a paper trail they can't get caught. Period.

Here in Kentucky we have another brazen crew of radical Republicans. They ran a candidate for State Senate that was not qualified to run as a candidate. When the opponent took the matter to court, the Republicans said the courts were not qualified to interpret the law - that only the State Senate could do that. Of course, the State Senate is Republican-run. The State Board of Elections certified the contester, a Democrat, as the winner of the election. The Republican State Senate refused to adhere to the Board of Elections and instead seated the individual who was unqualified to run (she didn't meet residency requirements) - a woman whose father is a Republican State Senator.... (And of course, there will be no help coming from our Governor, also a Republican. In fact, our Governor, a physician, is also under scrutiny by the AMA at this point, because as a physician he promised to do no harm - as Governor, he just signed a death warrant to execute a prisoner. )

Now what are we to make of that? There is only one conclusion we can come to - this new breed of radical, rogue Republicans have no regard for the law, and frankly, consider themselves above it. And apparently, they are getting away with it -

The question is, do we let them?