Friday, May 27, 2005 - Bush encounters setback as Senate blocks Bolton vote - Bush encounters setback as Senate blocks Bolton vote

Is Bolton a bully or, as the Republicans insist, a reformer? Well, I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm leaning toward bully.

Make no mistake, the radical, right-wing regime has an agenda. Bush is a meglomaniac - and he's mild compared to Karl Rove, the silent enemy behind the Bush mask.

These radical rogues have all but taken over our country. They control the media (which is NOT the liberal media of old, but is now 90%+ owned by conservatives) and are now attempting to control PBS; they have the majority in both the House and the Senate, so they basically are working to have total control of Congress; they are appointing so many repressive, right-wing judges that it makes our heads spin; they control the FBI and the CIA; they are succeeding in their attempt to control women by allowing pharmacists to decide whether or not they will fill birth control prescriptions (some will not) and their goal is Roe v Wade; and now they are attempting to control the U.N.

ANYONE OR ANYTHING that doesn't agree with their radical, right-wing ideology is a target. We're not just looking at totalitarianism in our own country, we're looking at total world control.

And the scary thing about that, last time I looked, is that this is exactly how the antiChrist will take control of the world.

Now, you can scoff and guffaw over that one, I don't really care. Making fun of something that a majority of people in this country believe exists doesn't bother me. I've often said that God's reality is the only reality that matters, and if God says that in the end times Satan will control the earth, then I believe it.

And it makes sense, given the current state of affairs, that this could actually be happening. Certain things have been in place for a long time, things that most people, myself included, were either clueless about, or didn't think much about. But when these things taken together start to click in unison, then events start happening pretty fast.

It's like building an interstate highway system. You can start building parts of it all over the country, and only that part of the country will see anything being built. It's a slow process, and it takes time. But once all the work is done and all the cities and states are connected, things move quickly. All of a sudden, the interstate is up and running, traffic's moving quickly, at faster speeds than before, and everything's changed.

And that's kind of how the Republican Party has masterminded this "hostile takeover" of our democracy.

For those who don't believe in the Bible, or in conspiracy theories, this won't make alot of sense. And all I can say to that is, we'll see. All I'm saying is that IF you believe in God, IF you believe in the devil, IF you believe that Satan's goal is to overthrow God, IF you believe what the Bible says about the end times, and IF you then consider, if you were going for world domination, how you would go about doing it, then all of this does make sense.

IF there is a Satan, and IF he is looking to take over the world to thwart God's plan for us, then the only reasonable way to do it is to move toward one world government/domination by one country over all the others. Otherwise it's too hard. It's much easier to take over one entity than it is several hundred.

So IF you can get the most powerful nation in the world under your command, as it can be speculated that Satan has done with the Bush administration, which incidentally, stands for just about everything Satan advocates (selfishness, greed, unethical behavior, hunger for power, deceit, warmongering, etc.) and nothing God stands for (service to others, compassion and empathy, ministering to the poor, the elderly, the widow, and the orphan, fairness, non-judgment of others, peace, and loving your neighbor), than it's just another step up the ladder to control the most powerful country in the world (us, and they are close to doing that now), and then just another step to control the U.N., which means that Satan would be that much closer to controlling the entire world.

Look at how easily the American people were duped by Bush. God says in the end times that people would have "scales over their eyes" and be blinded to the truth. That same thing can be applied to leaders of countries. Plus, besides that, some people and world leaders, I'm sure, have been and will be intimidated and threatened. There are already rampant rumors of what happens to Republicans who don't toe the party line. Imagine what can happen to countries that are dependent upon foreign aid.....

Well, this is just a scenario, but who's to say if it's true, or just a fabricated fantasy? I guess only God knows.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Social Security Scam and Cutthroat Conservatism

I'm one of those 50-somethings who has alot invested in Social Security. I want to make sure that I have a "guaranteed" income to fall back on when I retire. So, the Social Security scam proposed by the radical, right-wing, runaway-rogue faction of the Republican Party is particularly scary and upsetting for me.

Take the words "social" and "security". The word social implies that it's for everybody. Security means that it is secure, or guaranteed. Social Security was never meant to be anything other than a disability and retirement insurance program - but the unholy trinity and their legion of unholy demons in Washington, D.C., are trying to dismantle it. Why? So that the wealthy will benefit.

Who won't benefit? The workers who need it the most. The elderly, the widow, the orphan, etc. The very people that we are commanded to look after (Biblically and morally speaking).

The thing about Social Security is that the wealthy pay more into it than those who are earning minimum wage or slightly more. But wealthy people are less likely to draw Social Security, and since many wealthy people do invest, their dividends and other unearned income usually keep any Social Security paychecks they might receive, low. On the other hand, someone who's worked hard all their life earning minimum wage or somewhat better, has paid less into Social Security, but will end up drawing more out of it in the long run.

And that, my friends, is it in a nutshell. Huge tax cuts for the upper crust wasn't enough for this administration; now they want to rob the middle and lower classes of their insurance payments, to boot.

It's called greed. GREED. Coupled with greed is a total lack of compassion or concern for others. So what if you've worked your ass off for 50 years. It's YOUR fault that you weren't lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family; it's YOUR fault that you weren't talented enough to get a good paying job or start your own business, or that you weren't successful at your business; it's YOUR fault if you or your family weren't responsible and self-disciplined enough to make sure everyone was taken care of in their old age or when illness struck. The bottom line: it's YOUR FAULT, and they don't care if you roll over and die, as long as they can take more money to the bank.

These Republicans are rogues. They do not represent the mainstream, decent, hard-working Republican who may differ on political issues but have many of the same values as Democrats or Independents, or even Greens. NO, these are radical, extreme right-wing, fundamentalists. They are the equivalent to the Osama bin Ladens and the Saddam Husseins in that their ideology is not mainstream - they are radicals. And they are willing to go to great lengths to perpetuate their agenda - for example, Iraq.

Curiously enough, people aren't listening to what these people are actually saying. If they were, they'd be scratching their heads and wondering what planet these guys and gals come from, and how the hell did they get in power in the first place. For some perplexing reason, most Republicans and even some Democrats, et. al., don't bother to compare the words spoken by these people and their actions.

For instance, these radical right-wing Republicans are constantly spouting the Bible. But do they actually evince an accurate understanding of God's Word? No, they don't.
If they did, they would understand that the majority of the Bible has to do with how we treat people. Jesus was constantly admonishing those that judged others, and he was also continously telling the rich that if they were to follow him, they must first give away their possessions to the poor. Naturally, that went over like a lead balloon, which is why Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

I guess George hasn't read this part - oh, wait a minute, I forgot, George doesn't read. Well, no wonder they don't get this part of the Bible. See, most fundamentalist evangelical preachers, the ones you usually see on TV or in the huge revivals that take place in sports arenas, are always preaching that God wants us to have the abundant life, and that means God wants us to be rich. Hmm, I wonder why. Could it be that they're always asking for the believers to send them money? And they're getting rich, so obviously they have to tell their followers that it's not only ok to be rich, but that God WANTS them to be rich. It's just a cover for their own bamboozling of God's people. And think how many people they've led astray. And how many more people have gone on to bamboozle others in the same vein.

How many people has G.W. bamboozled? Legion.

I'm sure God doesn't care if we're rich as long as we take care of the needy, the widow, and the orphan, etc., but Jesus knew it was hard for the rich to actually follow him. Why? Because "MY ways are not YOUR WAYS", saith the Lord. Jesus's ministry was about SERVICE to others. Not just those deemed worthy, but service to ALL. Remember what he said to HIs disciples as He washed their feet? If you want to lead, you must first serve.

I don't think George W. is used to being a servant. Or Cheney, or Rove, or Rumsfeld, or the whole lot of them. So, no, I don't think they can be trusted to talk about God's Word or anything else even remotely Christian, because they don't know the first thing about it.

Preachers need to start standing up to this Republican moral ruse. They need to start making an example of them to their congregations, instead of keeping quiet because they're afraid of repercussions. Although, that fear may be very well founded.

It is becoming well known that if you don't toe the radical Republican hard-core line, there will be political and personal repercussions by those "leaders" in the Party that take care of these things, i.e., Rove and his henchmen.

So, I challenge all good citizens that think that the Republican Party is the "moral" party to write and tell me just why you think that, and we'll discuss it next time.

Patriot Gal